Zoé Besmond de Senneville



Zoé was born in 1987 and lives in Paris. She has been acting, posing, writing, creating and performing since 2011. Her poetry has been published in several magazines in France and abroad, and her story “Journal de mes oreilles” has been published by Flammarion.

She is also developing a body of drawing work that will be the subject of a solo exhibition at Galerie Basia Embiricos in June 2022, and is part of the Bordel de la poésie, which she is co-directing with Rim Battal and Laura Lutard between 2015 and 2023.

She is developing a bespoke poetic work format, has just released an album of poems accompanied by electronic music: Sourdre (and other poems), and carries out reiki and sonotherapy energy treatments in her Paris studio.

No works by Zoé besmond de Senneville are available at the moment.

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