Raphaelle Emery



For Raphaëlle Emery, artistic creation has been part of her life since childhood. More than just a means of expression, her works provide a link into her world, allowing us to discover all the feminine beauties she depicts.

“I’ve always drawn. I’ve painted compulsively since I was very young. The imaginary worlds I paint are limitless”.

Often heroines, “her muses” are represented like sparks of light, bright colours and super powers. The common feminine fades away to make way for a unique and eternal representation, covered in manga air, a beautiful imprint of her childhood.

“My masters are illustrious painters and poets, but I’m also drawn to street art and manga, which are sources of inspiration for me”.

She started sketching these wide-eyed women while studying fashion design. After several years in the fashion world, she now paints these female avatars, mediums that allow her to convey emotions, convictions and messages. Born into a family of architects, it’s only natural that she should take to the urban space and use it to display her muses and their bright, saturated colours, and sow her messages. She works on walls, canvases, skateboards and any other object that allows her to be creative.

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